Tag Archives: nalfeshnee

Wrath of the Righteous #42: Operation Trojan Rat

In their quest to rescue Iomedae’s herald, the party finds a way into the demon lord’s Ineluctable Prison! (-GM)

14th day of Erastus, 4728 AR

We were sniffing the sweet subtle scent of sulfur when sounds of someone sneaking somewhere sought our senses. It turned out to be minotaurs on a patrol. Were they searching for us? There was only one way to find out. We charged them head on, Beckles leading with a uppercut to the snout. Unlike most minotaurs, who would have been dead just from looking at the fist of fury flying for his face, this guy only suffered a major bruise. It wasn’t much of a surprise. Even though this was supposed to be a city of minotaurs, the actual CR 4 variety would never have the nerve to face us. We should call these guys megataurs.

Beckles was pretty beat up from the megataur he was fighting, so I let loose with a blast of positive energy. Most of his wounds repaired nicely, and everyone else was powered up with pure positivity. Sigarda decided to cast vengeful outrage on one of the minotaurs, and he fought loyally with us until his target died. He ran at me horns down, but Orog flashed a red cape in his face, causing him to run straight into a wall and die. Sucker.

Luckily one of them was merely unconscious, enabling us to interrogate him. He was all “I don’t know anything” and “I just do what I’m told,” which was obviously nonsense. Anyone who gets to CR 15 is going to be in the inner circle. We eventually beat out the fact that people in the Big Scary Tower might have been to the prison before, and he has been to said tower. All we had to do was pull a quick share memory, and we would be one step closer to Iomedae’s herald. Did you get that? H-E-R-A-L-D.

Unfortunately, the megataur had an extremely high will save. It made no sense. Combat-based monsters should be dumb. What did he do, meditate before fighting to strengthen his will? Where’s his weakness? Sigarda had to use a ton of mythic power and several curses, but eventually we got a memory of him inside the tower opening a broom closet. We then killed him for being so stubborn.

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Wrath of the Righteous #28: The Passage

When we last left our heroes as they sought to destroy the demons’ source of mythic power, the Nahyndrian crystals, they were closing the gate to the Abyss and found themselves on their other side. The party wizard Barca narrates. (-GM)

17th day of Sarenith, 4728 AR

Red lightning coursed through my veins as I held a page of the Lexicon of Paradox into the black vortex that bridged my home plane and the Abyss. It was all I could do to maintain my concentration on the Paradox Ritual that would seal this Rift between worlds, as the curtain of fire and lightning darkened. 

Even as I fought against the Rift my companions engaged its guardian — a monstrous Nalfeshnee demon named Ibaheniel. A bloated ape-like fiend, with a boar’s head and mis-shapen wings. The sounds of battle hardly helped my concentration as the demon faced the arrows, blades, and fists of the band of demonslayers.

Suddenly, the red fire faded as the Rift became engulfed in oily blackness. This marked the beginning of the second stage of the Ritual that I was performing alongside Queen Galfrey, who was working to seal the Material Plane side of the rift. In unison we began chanting incantations to bind and seal the Rift, even as electricity continued to sear our flesh. 

The lightning continued to burn. The vortex continued to rage. Ibaheniel continued to do battle against an entire team of crusaders. 

And then it was finished.

And the Rift was sealed.

And a horrible screech, the wailing of thousands of souls, bellowed from the Rift as it imploded; the only sign that it had ever been there a patch of stone free of the Nahyndrian crystal that covered every other available surface.

Even as the rift was sealed Ibaheniel met his fate at the (numerous) hands of Jex, who flipped over Beckles to land the finishing blow, and the cavern was silent once again. 

Taking a moment to compose ourselves, we made our way deeper into the cave network.

The next cavern was similarly covered in Nahyndrian crystal, but eight webbed openings in the walls pointed to the type of demon that occupied this chamber. 

Sure enough, four arachnid Bebilith demons emerged and demanded that we identify ourselves. Not having the identification of servants of Baphomet, we drew our weapons and gave them the kind of identification that is recognized on every plane. 

The battle was short and painless (for us), and at the insistence of Nunya we left the Bebiliths alive for interrogation. She tried and she tried to wrangle some kind of useful information out of the one that was still conscious, but these spiders were not directly servants of Baphomet; they simply had an agreement with him to not attack demons in his employ. 

Before Nunya was finished questioning them (but long after the rest of us were) there was a surge of magic, and the Bebiliths where whisked out from right under our noses.

But as disappointing as that was, we had successfully sealed the Rift, and accomplished our mission. 

Now it was time to decide on a new course of action….

-Barca (Nima)


Barca, merfolk conjurer 12 (archmage)
Orog the Demon Butcher, half-orc fighter 12 (champion)
Jex, skittermander paladin 5 / whirling-dervish swashbuckler 7 (champion)
Beckles, strix brawler 12 (champion)
The Incredible Fella, human ranger 6 / diviner wizard 1 / arcane archer 5 (champion)
Nunya, gnome spirit-guide oracle 12 (hierophant)
Sigarda, ratfolk hagbound witch 7 / demoniac 5 (archmage)

5 mythic tiers

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Wrath of the Righteous #27: Those Damn Demons

We last left our heroes as they were fighting their way into the Midnight Fane, to close a gate to the Abyss. The brawler Beckles continues their tale. (-GM)

17th day of Sarenith, 4728 AR

Nunya wanted to figure out what the weird machines and beakers all did, so The Incredible Fella and I took a quick nap.

We were in some evil demon lab place, and I couldn’t care less about all the weird machines and bubbling beakers. Nunya wanted to figure out what they all did, so The Incredible Fella and I took a quick nap. Unfortunately, something loud awoke us, and I saw a group of burly looking monstrosities. They didn’t look particularly tough, so I ignored Nunya’s explanation of their native habitat and genus and decided to find out the easy way if they were a real threat.

One of them looked tougher than the rest, so I flew over to him and punched him a few times. I didn’t think I had hit him that hard, but he fell over and didn’t look like he was gonna get up. I threw him an ice pack and beat up the next one. They quickly proved to be about as combat-ready as a toddler, and The Incredible Fella’s good bow skills and me beating them senseless ended the fight quickly.

While we had been fighting however, Nunya had been working on figuring out what was in the lab. She pointed out a few bottles of alchemist’s fire and some liquid ice. I was a little confused. I have never had a formal education, but isn’t liquid ice just water? I asked Nunya about this, and she launched into a lengthy explanation of the alchemical process to make it, and how it is a remarkable substance that freezes quickly in contact with air. I grabbed a bottle just in case, and went to look for some real loot.

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