Tag Archives: amurru

Rappan Athuk #109: Dispelling All Doubt

The wardens of the monstrous Ravager test the party’s strength.


6th day of Sarenith, 4722 AR

I shot arrow after arrow at the golems surrounding us. My arrows flew faster than an unladen swallow, slicing through the rocky flesh of these creatures. I laughed loudly as I watched our spellcasters fail at any sort of magical attack against these foes. They were made of rock, therefore most wizardry accomplished nothing.

Given time, I would have slain them all but eventually, Susurrus found a spell that could damage them. He summoned a wall of lava that swallowed two of the golems as they tried to pass through it. Grom-Gil-Gorm and I tore our way through the remaining enemies. The room was now silent. The only thing that remained of interest was the big statue of an angel. We considered trying to free them but they had the *circle triangle group thingy* emblazoned on them. We figured that they were probably here to defend this place and freeing them would only lead to more fighting. We continued forward to the far end of the room where a tunnel led onward.

The tunnel was quite short and ended with a vault door. However, it was no match for the might of our paladin, Valestar. He turned the wheel and the door swung open. Beyond stood a fearsome undead. I lit a smoke stick immediately, expecting a fight, but Valestar held me back from shooting. He whispered quickly to me that this creature was less evil than most things we had encountered so far and that we should talk to it first and maybe get some information.

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Posted by on August 23, 2019 in Campaign, Pathfinder Chronicles, Rappan Athuk


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